
Faculty and Staff

1 2 3 10 > showing 1 - 16 of 152 constituents
Mark Antoun

Mark Antoun

Titles: Coach
Departments: Athletics
Phone Numbers:
School: 212-994-2562
Anne Bae

Anne Bae

Titles: Marketing & Communications Associate
Departments: Middle School, Communications
Phone Numbers:
School: 212-994-2564
Alden Baker

Alden Baker

Titles: Visual Arts Teacher
Departments: Upper School, Middle School, Visual Arts
Phone Numbers:
School: 212-288-1919 x-321
Mawa Ballo

Mawa Ballo

Titles: Lower School Teacher
Departments: Lower School, Upper School, Middle School
Phone Numbers:
School: 212-288-1919 x-347
Marina Benasuli

Marina Benasuli

Titles: Educational Technologist
Departments: Lower School, Educational Technology, Auxiliary Programs
Phone Numbers:
School: 212-288-1919 x-303
Kevin Betances

Kevin Betances

Titles: Security Guard (Integrated Security)
Departments: Security, Middle School
Mary "Isabel" Boyce

Mary "Isabel" Boyce

Titles: Middle School Learning Specialist
Nickname: Isabel
Departments: Middle School, Student Support
Phone Numbers:
School: 212-288-1919 x-397
Elizabeth "Liz" Brennan

Elizabeth "Liz" Brennan

Titles: Upper School Academic Dean: STEM
Nickname: Liz
Departments: Mathematics, Upper School, Middle School, Student Support
Phone Numbers:
School: 212-288-1919 x-324
Gary Brown

Gary Brown

Titles: Head of Security, McKelvey Building
Departments: Security
Ngai But

Ngai But

Titles: Director of Technology
Departments: Technology
Phone Numbers:
School: 212-994-2617
Steven Caguana

Steven Caguana

Titles: Coach
Departments: Athletics
Phone Numbers:
School: 212-994-2562
Alia Carponter-Walker

Alia Carponter-Walker

Titles: Director of Equity and Community Life
Departments: Lower School, Administration, Upper School, Middle School, Equity and Community Life
Phone Numbers:
School: 212-994-2612
Kathryn "Kate" Chechak

Kathryn "Kate" Chechak

Titles: Assistant Head of Middle School
Nickname: Kate
Departments: Middle School
Tara Christie Kinsey

Tara Christie Kinsey

Titles: Head of School
Departments: Administration
Phone Numbers:
School: 212-994-2601
Lemon Chung

Lemon Chung

Titles: Middle School History Teacher
Departments: History, Middle School, Student Support
Phone Numbers:
School: 212-288-1919 x-354
Tim Clare

Tim Clare

Titles: Director of Sustainability
Departments: Science, Upper School, Middle School
Phone Numbers:
School: 212-288-1919 x-318
1 2 3 10 > showing 1 - 16 of 152 constituents