Hewitt News

The Art of Doodling
Hewitt News

While preparing for Remote Learning @ Hewitt, lower school art teacher Robin Lentz knew she wanted to provide her students with joyful ways to express their creativity using whatever supplies they already had available at home. As Ms. Lentz shared with her students, “Artists are so lucky during times like these because we can always find ways to create something out of nothing. Creators and inventors never need fancy supplies.” To ensure that Hewitt students have ample chances to make and create while they are away from the art room, she developed a collection of activities, challenges, and how-to videos that require nothing more than something to draw with and a piece of paper. 

In this video, Ms. Lentz models for students how the art of doodling is a mindful experience that helps us stay focused and present in the face of distraction. “I wanted to start my how-to video series with doodling because it’s a deeply thoughtful experience and a wonderful way for children and adults to find comfort in these uncertain times.” Through this video and others, Ms. Lentz hopes she and her students can build connections as they spend time making art together. 

Art teacher Ms. Lentz takes viewers through a tutorial in mindful doodling