On Hewitt's annual Day of Service, K-12 students, parents, guardians, faculty, staff, and alumnae came together to tackle the challenge of food insecurity and make a meaningful impact on our local and global communities.
Lower School
Dynamic, Girl-Focused, and Student-Driven
At Hewitt, we understand that teaching is both an art and a science. Great teaching defines what we do in lower school. Our teachers not only think carefully about what we should teach our girls, but they also feel strongly about how we teach our girls. Our faculty members provide each student with a rich learning experience that is dynamic, girl-focused, and student-driven. This does not just benefit our students—it also attracts inquisitive and passionate teachers. While our warm, familial atmosphere endures decade after decade, our curriculum is constantly evolving.
Terell Cooper-edwards, Head of Lower School
lower school curriculum overviews
Kindergarten is a time of wonder and exploration. It also is a time of transition. At Hewitt, girls begin their journey with teachers who deeply empathize with the experience of stepping into a new world. A kindergarten student walks into her classroom, delighted to greet her friends and teachers for another day of learning. After settling in, she begins her morning work, an opportunity to get ready for another day of joyful learning. Soon, the class gathers in a circle for morning meeting, an essential routine that transitions the girls mindfully into the day’s learning. This is a hallmark of how we begin learning together at Hewitt. After a careful review of the day’s schedule—science, mathematics, arts, technology, physical education, literacy, and Spanish—the girls are excited and ready for the adventure ahead.
In kindergarten, girls learn to care for each other and to explore their feelings, especially through cooperative work and play. In our joyful yet structured environment, girls come to love learning and appreciate that they have a purpose each day: to learn alongside their teachers, collaborate with their classmates, and develop a growth mindset. We maintain a low student-teacher ratio, ensuring ample support for girls during individual work time, and all of our academic lessons integrate elements of inquiry and play.
The entire kindergarten team at Hewitt celebrates the power of words and the joys of reading. Our literacy program kindles the girls’ interest in reading by engaging them in the delights of a good story through daily read-alouds. Additionally, phonics instruction is a cornerstone of our literacy program, underscoring the critical importance of strong phonological skills to develop confident young readers. Imaginative and dramatic play bolster fundamental comprehension and communication skills. The workshop model allows the girls to apply newly learned strategies and skills to their own reading with increasing independence, and encourages them to share their ideas about books with their peers. Our reading curriculum incorporates the expertise of learning and literacy specialists who collaborate with homeroom teachers to ensure that each student is engaged at her level of decoding, fluency, and comprehension skills. A variety of teaching structures – whole class, small groups, and one-to-one conferences – give each girl the chance to flourish as a reader. Carefully designed and implemented formal and informal assessment methods help to measure her progress and to determine her individual needs, all the while spurring her to achieve her personal best.
Our philosophy of teaching writing in kindergarten complements our philosophy of teaching reading. Girls cultivate their ability to tell meaningful stories about their lives through drawings, labels, and words. Students write about real-life experiences, areas of personal expertise, and their opinions. They also experiment with nonfiction. They become familiar with the concept of “writing for a reader”– or writing with the intended audience in mind. Girls learn the processes of writing, revising, editing, and publishing as they write about what matters to them. Additionally, kindergarten writers practice sharing their writing with each other in partnerships, small groups, and whole groups. Teachers meet regularly with students for individual conferences to share feedback, fostering confidence in the power of the editing process.
Kindergarten is the first year in a K-4 sequence of a dynamic, research-based math program that promotes computational fluency, development of problem solving strategies and habits of mind, and mathematical content knowledge acquisition. This curriculum combats cultural messages that boys are “better at math” by providing a workshop-oriented, conceptual approach that emphasizes understanding over memorization, encouraging young Hewitt mathematicians to share their thinking with one another, and try many strategies to answer a problem. Students develop a deep understanding and love of mathematics through routines, investigations, and games. The program roots mathematical concepts in the context of real-world, non-routine problems that are pertinent and interesting to girls. Students have opportunities to defend their thinking verbally, make connections, and see multiple perspectives and problem-solving strategies. With an emphasis on numeracy, the girls learn to use numbers to make connections and realize their relationships to real-life situations.
The mathematics program lays a foundation for a more abstract understanding of numbers in future grades. Kindergarteners solidify their abilities to count; learn how to represent, order, compare, read, and write numbers; and discover systematic ways to make combinations of various whole numbers using tangible and visual manipulatives as well as pictorial representations to model their mathematical thinking. They apply their growing understanding of the number system to solve quantitative problems involving joining and separating, first using concrete objects to act out these addition and subtraction situations. Once they develop a conceptual understanding of the operations, students practice creating pictures to model problem situations before learning how to represent situations with abstract numerical expressions. We encourage girls to persevere in solving mathematical challenges with determination and grit, and we scaffold math skills so our kindergarteners develop confidence, a love of math, and eagerness to try new ways of working with numbers.
Social Studies
Our kindergarten explores what makes a community, using key social studies skills, such as asking questions and seeking answers, to learn about themselves, their classmates, and what it means to be a part of a classroom community. With our School’s mission in mind, students learn about individual similarities and differences. From there, kindergarteners continue to recognize and celebrate the spectrum of human diversity. During the family unit, girls learn about various family compositions, what makes a family, and the cultures and traditions celebrated by different families.
Throughout the second half of the year, kindergarteners broaden their concept of community. By interviewing different “community helpers” at Hewitt, students learn about the unique roles in a school and how they can help make a positive difference in their own community. The kindergarteners wrap up the year with student-driven inquiries about communities that extend beyond Hewitt’s walls. Kindergarteners engage in rich explorations, and participate in interdisciplinary hands-on projects, class discussions, and relevant field trips designed to enhance the curriculum.
First Grade
At Hewitt, we recognize that first grade is a big step, and a time of incredible growth for our learners. Students are greeted at their classroom door by their teachers, where they prepare for a morning meeting and get ready for a rich day of learning. First grade morning meeting is a critical time where students learn their daily schedule, are greeted by name, and practice various academic skills in both literacy and math. First graders then dive into a curriculum that emphasizes mastery of core skills — working in small groups, as a class, and as individuals in ways that support their pace of learning. With one year proudly under their belts, first graders are eager to explore the world, learn new ideas, and make connections across subjects. They immerse themselves in problem solving, storytelling, and scientific inquiry and grow as Spanish language learners, historians, artists, musicians, and engineers. Our literacy and social-emotional curriculums foster confidence in oral presentation of students’ original writing, building confidence in our girls as they express their authentic and unique voices.
Hewitt first grade readers develop their decoding skills and comprehension strategies through a model that features student choice, appropriate texts, and individual reading conferences with teachers. Building on the kindergarten curriculum, phonics instruction remains a cornerstone of the literacy program, underscoring the critical importance of strong phonological skills to develop confident young readers. Classroom teachers and our literacy and learning specialists provide instruction in a variety of ways — whole-class, small group, and individual — supporting each student’s growth. Each student is assessed in a variety of ways throughout the year to monitor progress, and learners regularly set new reading goals in conferences with their teacher. Additionally, Hewitt students are submerged in a language-rich environment throughout the school day with read-alouds and phonics instruction, as well as shared and independent reading.
Our students’ emerging love of reading coincides with their increasing ability to tell personal stories and their enjoyment of nonfiction books about topics of interest. Their joy in language and emerging sense of themselves as an audience make them eager to use the tools they learn through Hewitt’s writing program. Hewitt writers love to be the authors of their own stories. In first grade, girls build their skills by writing with focus, detail, and dialogue about what is close to their hearts. Units of study include personal narrative stories, nonfiction and opinion pieces, and realistic fiction stories. Writing at Hewitt is a process, and girls learn to take each piece through planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing as they develop a much greater awareness of writing for an audience.
The mathematics program in first grade continues a student-centered approach that promotes computational fluency, development of problem-solving strategies, habits of mind, and mathematical content knowledge acquisition. As first graders prepare for a more extensive study of addition and subtraction, they practice organizing and counting strategies of objects to 120. They develop and apply skip counting skills by unitizing objects into sets of 2s, 5s, and 10s to count more efficiently. First graders use their developing number sense, counting skills, early place value knowledge, and understanding of number combinations to learn early addition and subtraction properties and strategies. Students develop their mathematical vocabulary as well as the ability to share their thinking and understand the thinking of others.
First graders are challenged daily to find solutions to their own problems. Engaging investigations involving double decker buses, beaded necklaces, blocks from the block room, and bake sales ensure the girls are engaged in their learning of mathematics and see its application to the real world. We encourage students to use their math skills to deconstruct complex, non-routine problems and to remain persistent when working on math challenges. Classroom teachers and a math specialist provide a team-teaching approach that ensures our girls have every opportunity to grow as mathematicians.
Social Studies
First grade social studies is rooted in important real world inquiries and investigations. Specifically, Hewitt students are challenged to think about their community and how they may be able to make it more inclusive and sustainable by studying parks and playgrounds.
The much-anticipated Central Park unit allows girls to explore Central Park using an inquiry approach. Students use their own experiences and curiosity to guide the curriculum while mastering developmentally appropriate social studies skills. Through field trips, interdisciplinary work, and guided explorations, first graders learn the relevance of Central Park to their school and to the larger New York City community. An interdisciplinary study with science and technology, this unit culminates with students reimagining and redesigning familiar playground equipment to be more accessible to community members with various needs.
With this strong sense of place, the girls then engage in a unit on environmentalism. Students consider environmental issues they have observed from their own life experiences and work together to research those issues using print and digital resources. A visit to New York City’s reuse center, Materials for the Arts, allows students to learn more about ways to use everyday extras and discarded items for artistic and cultural purposes. The unit culminates with first graders creating artifacts that teach their fellow students about the importance of being environmentally conscious.
Second Grade
Second grade marks a significant moment in a student’s Hewitt journey as she eclipses the mid-point of her time in our lower school program. As such, second grade is a time of growing independence for girls, accompanied by a greater desire to explore friendships and take on new responsibilities. Hewitt second graders are also ready to think about next steps: What is my neighborhood like? What is a neighborhood? How and why do people select neighborhoods to live in? How does culture influence a neighborhood and how do people influence culture? We nurture girls’ emerging passion for critical thinking across subjects in language study, mathematics, reading and writing, technology, science, and the arts.
In second grade, students continue to develop their phonological skills, which enable them to read with increased accuracy and fluency. Given this, students are able to actively engage with more complex texts, and our teachers are deeply attuned to supporting them in reaching advanced levels of comprehension. Teachers continue to utilize the workshop model, and second grade readers work with both fiction and nonfiction texts supported by the feedback and coaching of their homeroom teachers, literacy specialist, and learning specialist. A greater emphasis on comprehension and increasing stamina builds on the strong foundation of earlier grades, using strategies such as understanding the origin of root words, using prefixes and suffixes, and studying the structural analysis of words.
Reading comprehension skills grow more complex as students explore character development, plot, and setting as readers of fiction, and main idea, key details, and vocabulary as readers of nonfiction. Students develop strategies for summarizing, which is a powerful tool for long-term retention of the story as well as develop their inferential thinking skills and deepen their understanding of the literature they read.
The writing program similarly advances to incorporate a wider sense of genre. In writing classes, second graders improve their narrative, informational, opinion, and poetry writing. Girls look to their own experiences and interests in order to write about topics and ideas that are relevant and purposeful. The girls study the published works of mentor authors and discuss what each writer may have hoped for in telling their story. Through this inquiry process, the girls identify how established authors use craft to convey meaning; they then try these craft techniques in their own writing. Second graders also learn how to share their own knowledge, passion, and expertise through nonfiction writing about topics that are important to them. In each unit of study, girls experience the full writing cycle of rehearsing, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing in order to gain a greater awareness of writing for an audience.
The mathematics program in second grade continues to challenge our girls through real-life problem-solving opportunities. Students explore a variety of problem-solving strategies and use manipulatives, visuals, and abstract representations to portray their mathematical thinking. Second graders solidify their understanding of place value and equivalence in two- and three-digit numbers and learn multiple ways to represent these numbers as well as compare their magnitude. The students then use their knowledge of place value and the properties of operations to assist them in solving a variety of addition and subtraction problems. Students are encouraged to leverage their growing number sense, look closely at the numbers they are adding and subtracting, and selectively choose a strategy that will help them arrive at an accurate answer with efficiency.
Instructional time focuses on the following critical areas: extending place value understanding, building fluency with additional strategies and when to apply them for efficiency, using subtraction knowledge to answer complex story problems, an introduction to multiplication, and a study of fractions and early division, or fair sharing. A study of time and money allows second grade mathematicians to apply their operation skills in real-world contexts. Our second grade teachers place a strong emphasis on a unified math vocabulary, and we encourage students to use their math skills to deconstruct complex problems and to remain persistent when working on math challenges.
Social Studies
In social studies, the year begins with discussions about identity. Students engage in thoughtful explorations of their own identity, including their gender, race, class, culture, and abilities through read-alouds, class discussions and debates, and various projects. This work lays a foundation for greater exploration of New York City in which second graders act as anthropologists, sociologists, and historians while considering the many neighborhoods that make up our city. Students use research materials, picture books, field trips, and neighborhood walks to learn about each neighborhood’s unique culture and community. Second graders also study landmarks unique to specific neighborhoods and to the city as a whole, and consider needs versus wants in a community.
The year culminates with a study of New York City’s history and the influence of Indigenous communities on present-day New York. Students learn about bodies of water and participate in an interdisciplinary study of sustainable water filtration practices. More specifically, in collaboration with Hewitt’s Director of Sustainability, students learn how indigenous people cultivated systems utilizing oysters to filter the water surrounding Mannahatta, and they use this knowledge to imagine sustainable solutions for purifying the waterways of present-day New York.
Third Grade
In third grade, Hewitt girls gain greater fluency and comprehension as readers, develop strong organizational, grammatical, and vocabulary skills for writing, and hone their ability to think in more abstract ways about the world they inhabit. The workshop methodology that informs all lessons in third grade encourages our students to practice collaboration, to try multiple solutions to a problem, to learn how to speak up and share an idea, and to express themselves coherently and confidently on paper and in a presentation. As historians, they are ready to bring the past to bear on our understanding of the present. The students’ interests and capacity for understanding complex, real-world problems are growing, and they are eager to know more about why things happen and how they can make a difference in the world.
The third grade literacy program teaches girls the importance of building a reading life. During reading lessons, students continue to develop a passion for reading rich texts across genres with the guidance of their teachers. They develop a sense of agency around their own reading choices through meaningful explorations of a wide variety of texts, such as mystery, nonfiction, poetry, and series books. Through thoughtful collaboration with students at the center, classroom teachers and our literacy specialist create a team-teaching approach that fosters a love of reading and genuine excitement for every child. Teachers use a variety of structures — whole class, small groups, partners, and one-to-one conferences — to ensure that each girl enjoys personal attention in meeting her learning goals.
Third graders writers develop their storytelling skills by learning to move beyond plot and summary to incorporate dramatic effect through specific details, such as dialogue. They craft true stories drawn from their lives and keep writing notebooks that become repositories for possible scenes in a narrative. They have opportunities to follow their passions and work on independent writing projects during the year that draw on their growing repertoire of writing skills.
The girls continue to develop the crucial skill of information writing as they research topics of interest and create nonfiction pieces to share with their audience. Students also write poetry incorporating figurative language and poetry techniques learned from mentor poets. Through writing, they investigate issues that matter to them, and compose persuasive speeches which lay the foundation for units in essay writing in middle school.
As part of our literacy program, students learn to present their work carefully, focusing on pace, enunciation, and eye contact. In each unit of study, girls experience writing as a process that includes brainstorming, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. In addition, the students learn basic grammar conventions to compose complete and thoughtful sentences. By now, Hewitt girls appreciate the complex stages of writing for publication, and they possess the patience and determination to make sure they showcase their very best writing. They write for readers, not just teachers, and they take great pride in being young authors.
The curriculum in third grade continues building a strong foundational understanding of math concepts through extensive hands-on lessons, real-life problem solving, and the use of diagrams, manipulatives, and models. Reasoning routines and number talks are incorporated into daily lessons and provide opportunities for girls to discuss individual strategies and deepen their number sense. In addition, computation-based games and activities offer engaging ways to enhance flexibility with numbers. Once third graders have acquired a solid understanding of addition and subtraction processes through various methods and strategies, they are introduced to traditional algorithms. Instruction focuses on several critical areas: developing strong number sense, building computational fluency, and fostering logical thinking and communication skills. Teachers stress the power of a unified math vocabulary and the importance of collaboration in problem solving, and use growth mindset techniques to foster critical thinking skills. Students are encouraged to use their math skills to deconstruct complex problems, to identify multiple strategies for solving a single problem, to articulate their process for coming to a solution and defend their thinking both orally and in writing, and to remain persistent when working on math challenges. Each and every day, our third grade mathematicians rise to the occasion.
Social Studies
In third grade social studies, students begin the year by learning about their own identity, as well as the identities of others in their school and local communities. In doing so, students have many opportunities to build deep empathy for one another, to learn about others' lived experiences, and to practice asking questions in a thoughtful way. Drawing on these skills and leveraging their desire to learn more about real-word, complex issues, third grade social scientists learn all about the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and compare it with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Doing research, reading news articles, and watching teacher-selected videos helps students to learn necessary research skills to develop their understanding of why various declarations of rights are necessary to ensure safety for all people.
The year concludes with students thinking about housing and the right to safe shelter. Students explore different available spaces within New York City (such as unused office space), architectural principles, and housing codes to determine which spaces can be converted into affordable housing units. They then combine this knowledge with their understanding of the mathematical principles of dimension, area, and budgeting to construct their own blueprints of model apartments.
Fourth Grade
Entering their capstone year of lower school, fourth graders demonstrate resilience, curiosity, empathy, and courage, and are serious about service learning. Hewitt fourth graders have reached a level of reading and writing competence that allows them to dive deep into genre, both as readers and as writers. Their abstract thinking skills have developed to a point where they eagerly apply their conceptual understanding of mathematics to the world around them. They have developed historical perspective, both in terms of knowing key dates and details and understanding the arc of cause and effect. Thus, the fourth grade curriculum challenges them to engage in deep problem solving in the STEM fields, the arts, and the humanities.
Literacy in fourth grade combines writing and reading to emphasize the idea of purpose: Why do we read? Why do we write? What books do we choose? And which stories do we want to tell? How can we positively impact the world beyond our school with our words? We place a strong emphasis on reading and understanding informational texts and the key skills needed to discern factual information. Primary sources take on great importance in bringing history to life, as girls learn to notice key details and interpret their significance while also considering multiple points of view on a topic. In their study of fiction, fourth graders continue to examine various story elements that include plot, setting, character development, conflict, and theme. They further add the study of literary devices such as symbolism and simile to develop their appreciation for figurative language. Girls enhance their abilities to express themselves and their ideas as they engage in book club discussions centered around social issues, fantasy, and a variety of genres. Students continue word study to master spelling patterns and deconstruct words for meaning.
The writing program in fourth grade emphasizes applying the skills learned in writing lessons to other disciplines. Students explore a variety of genres and learn how to write descriptive, narrative, literary, and persuasive essays. They also learn the power of voice in writing, and come to appreciate that they can convey presence with words. As narrative writers, they explore the arc of the story, use techniques to develop suspense, and craft writing to engage their audiences. Students write responses to shared reading texts and learn to support their responses using evidence and examples. They also practice public speaking by presenting their work aloud. Additionally, girls gain an understanding of paragraph structure, topic sentences, supporting details, and concluding sentences. Students write in all classes — explaining their analytical thinking in math, taking on historical roles in social studies, and describing lab work in science — allowing them to see that writing is not just a task in English classes, but a lifelong skill needed to communicate in all areas.
In fourth grade mathematics, our program continues to guide girls in problem solving, skill consolidation, and a deep understanding of core mathematical concepts. Engaging investigations allow girls to make relevant connections to real-world problems as they continue building their conceptual understanding of math operations. Through reasoning routines, computation-based activities, and math discourse, fourth graders continue to develop an appreciation for alternative ways of thinking mathematically and deepen their number sense. Instructional time focuses on several crucial areas: fluency in multi-digit multiplication and division; a sophisticated understanding of fractions and decimals; the analysis and classification of geometric figures; and the evaluation of data, graphs, and probability. We place a strong emphasis on a unified math vocabulary as well as critical thinking skills, and girls are expected to reflect on their process as mathematicians and communicate their math thinking both orally and in writing. We encourage students to use their math skills to deconstruct complex problems, work collaboratively, articulate and defend their thought process for a particular solution, identify multiple strategies for solving a single problem, and remain persistent when working on math challenges. Resilience proves key to the development of girls’ growth mindset in mathematics—and across all other subjects.
Social Studies
The social studies program spurs girls to strengthen their growing skills as ethical leaders and game changers. Well versed in thinking about historical causality, fourth graders explore the varied causes of immigration around the world, with an emphasis on immigration to the United States told through diverse stories and perspectives in literature. Students investigate and research the role and impact that immigrants have made and continue to make on New York City using a variety of resources — maps, texts, videos, field trips, websites, and software — to develop their understanding of the material. They are actively engaged in whole class discussions, partner work, independent work, small-group cooperative learning, and research projects.
Leadership Program
In the fourth grade leadership program, students learn key leadership skills such as deep listening, collaboration, cooperative dialogue, and service. They mentor younger students, serving as role models who represent the diverse ways that girls can be leaders. This program incorporates daily community leadership responsibilities and regular town hall sessions where the entire grade level comes together to discuss ideas and topics suggested by their lower school classmates. Students plan and organize monthly community assemblies for all lower school students and end the year by creating student-run clubs through which they follow their passions. Historically these student-led clubs have included: math, technology, drama, service learning, sustainability, journalism, and community building.
Our wellness curriculum has been designed to meet the specific developmental needs of fourth graders and is aligned with the National Health Education Standards. Students cover a range of topics such as building healthy habits, self-care, physical activity, sleep hygiene, nutrition, emotion management, self-awareness, self-regulation, mindfulness, empathy, and conflict resolution.
As a school community, we are committed to inspiring girls and young women to become game changers and ethical leaders who forge an equitable, sustainable, and joyous future, and we strive to center wellness as a cornerstone of joy. We believe holistic wellness — physical, social-emotional, and mental health — sets the foundation for academic achievement and that students who have a deep understanding of their minds and bodies are able to develop agency, autonomy, and a deep respect for themselves. When students understand and respect themselves, they are able to develop the empathy needed to sustain healthy relationships and to interact with their community in meaningful ways.
At Hewitt, our young scientists work collaboratively as they build resilience and perseverance through hands-on learning. Following their own questions and curiosity, our girls are continually engaged in collecting information, solving problems, applying creativity, and communicating what they learn in our lab and out in the field.
In the STEAM Lab, our young scientists are immersed in both the scientific method as well as in the engineering design process as they build on their prior knowledge, collect information, carry out investigations, and record data. To help increase stamina and engagement with the wonders of scientific exploration, design, and building, we give the girls opportunities to apply scientific and mathematical concepts to engineering challenges. For example, second graders become environmental engineers and construct a water filter to help them better understand the process of filtration, which parallels their study of oysters as a natural water filter in their social studies class.
Hewitt faculty use an interdisciplinary approach to enable students to connect ideas and relevant skills learned in other classes. For example, fourth graders utilize their understanding of simple machines and foundational physics concepts to engineer arcade-style games out of cardboard. All lower schoolers delight in this interdisciplinary project, as students in grades K-3 enjoy visits to our pop-up arcade each spring. Such dedicated, purposeful moments of experiential learning enable the girls to broaden and deepen their knowledge as capable and confident scientists.
World Language
As part of Hewitt’s commitment to educating girls as global citizens, students begin studying Spanish in kindergarten. By focusing on a second language at an early age, students have time to absorb the sound of the language and begin to master basic vocabulary and grammar structures, preparing them for more intensive study in middle school. Lower school Spanish classes are fun, creative, and action oriented, full of lively and engaging content that reinforces learning from one lesson to the next. Hewitt’s unique Spanish curriculum incorporates grade-level concepts from social studies, social-emotional learning units, and sustainability. Owing to this gradual and spiraled approach to teaching and learning, students develop a good understanding of the language, and confidence in both oral and written communication.
Music education is essential to Hewitt’s lower school program. Our lower schoolers sing, play instruments, and participate in movement activities that encourage kinesthetic learning. We base our music curriculum on the Orff-Schulwerk method (which focuses on percussion and movement) and the Kodály method (which uses a child-developmental approach to sequence). After the children become familiar with a new musical concept, they learn how to notate it. We also review concepts through games, movement, songs, and exercises.
The girls practice notation by playing a variety of instruments including percussives and wind instruments. By fourth grade, students hone unison singing and learn two-part and choral music. Students expand their musical vocabulary using terminology surrounding dynamics (i.e. crescendo, decrescendo, piano, forte, etc.) and tempo (i.e. ritardando, accelerando). Building on their recorder playing from third grade, fourth grade students learn notes that require forked fingering positions and larger interval leaps. We expose students to a wide range of musical genres through recordings and field trips to live performances around New York City, building a lifelong appreciation of diverse musical traditions.
Our lower school art studio hums with constant energy, as girls across grades learn to take risks, problem solve, translate their ideas, take responsibility, practice a discipline, and make choices. Girls work with a variety of materials and ideas and come to trust their own creative process. Each girl discovers a personal haven in the art room where her individual talents are valued and celebrated.
Hewitt artists learn from the outset that there is a wide, diverse world of artistic expression in New York City, and they eagerly embrace its influences. By fourth grade, our artists explore personal ideas and experiences through various artistic media, including drawing, painting, mixed media, collage, wool, and sculpture. We emphasize effort, participation, originality of ideas, and the process of art making, and design art lessons to both increase skill level and to reflect the interests of the students, as the girls work toward demonstrating understanding of concepts, original thinking, and quality of craftsmanship.
Technology in the lower school provides opportunities for exploration, experimentation, and play, enhancing students’ conceptual understanding by providing constructivist learning experiences in class. Classes take place in our Innovation Lab, where the girls have access to a number of simple and complex tools for hands-on engagement. Additionally, students engage deeply in engineering, robotics, and programming challenges, which further supports their ability to process information, problem solve, troubleshoot, and communicate. Starting in third grade, each student is assigned their own Chromebook and our technology program introduces third and fourth graders to formal typing skills and Google Apps for Education.
Throughout the lower school program, students experience the engineering design process by planning, building, testing, rebuilding, and retesting. They use age-appropriate technology to locate, collect, and organize content for a specific purpose. Our students begin to learn about digital literacy, digital citizenship, and responsible uses of technology as they perform basic research on teacher-approved databases and platforms.
Anti-Bias Education and Social Emotional Learning
In support of our School’s mission and values, anti-bias education is a cornerstone of the lower school curriculum. Our program draws from a number of research-based resources and is grounded in the Learning for Justice Standards. Authored by Hewitt faculty, the Me, You, and We program embeds anti-bias education directly into several facets of our lower school curriculum. Inspired by the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s Anti-bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves program, Me, You, and We encourages students to explore the wide range of human diversity they see at school and in their extended communities while building a positive sense of self and developing caring human connections. Supported by deliberate and appropriately challenging discussion prompts, activities, and scenarios that encourage self-reflection, lower school students learn to recognize unfairness and stereotypes, consider their misconceptions, and stand up for what is right in the face of prejudice. The program intentionally revisits the same topics each year in kindergarten through fourth grade so that students deepen their understanding as they grow.
Hewitt’s approach to anti-bias and identity work also incorporates the tenets of our social-emotional learning curriculum. Through topic-specific conversations, these units of study help students build competencies that enable them to identify, understand, and celebrate their various social identities (i.e. ability, beliefs, culture, ethnicity, family composition, gender, language, race, religion, and socioeconomic class). Through this targeted approach, lower schoolers learn about self-regulation and emotion management, and they build upon their abilities to problem solve and think critically. Additionally, social-emotional learning and anti-bias lessons help students develop and strengthen communication skills, identify appropriate risk-taking opportunities, and develop a growth mindset. Teachers use classroom discussions, activities, and read-alouds to develop in-depth lessons that feel meaningful and personal to their students.
Physical Education
The lower school physical education program emphasizes the joy of movement while developing girls’ spatial awareness and balance. In addition, lessons focus on practicing the coordination necessary to perform various movements and activities related to team sports, such as running, throwing, and catching. Students practice these skills during class as individuals and in small groups, working cooperatively with classmates to achieve common goals while consistently demonstrating sportswomanship.
By fourth grade, our athletes are developing lifelong physical fitness attributes, movement skills, and sports concepts. We provide students ample opportunities to develop leadership skills and to work in small groups to solve problems or accomplish tasks. Through purposeful learning activities, we guide students to refine motor, social, and intellectual skills, and embrace a fit and active lifestyle. By the conclusion of lower school, Hewitt girls are well prepared, mentally and physically, to join our athletics program that begins in middle school.
Learning Support Team
The learning support team, composed of our learning specialist, lower school psychologist, curriculum coordinator, literacy specialist, and math specialist, work closely with homeroom teachers to provide support and enrichment to ensure that every girl is working at the high edge of her ability. Specialists join classroom lessons when appropriate to work directly with students, and they make recommendations to teachers on differentiated instruction to best address the learning goals of all girls in a classroom. In addition, our learning resource team works with parents to develop learning plans for specific students and serves on the lower school’s child study committee.
After-School and Summer Enrichment Programs
Hewitt After School offers specialty classes for students in kindergarten through grade 8. We carefully design each class to enrich students’ overall experiences in the performing arts, STEM, academics, and physical education. We offer classes on a semester basis, allowing lower and middle school students to immerse themselves deeply in experiential learning around their personal interests. Classes include Art Show, Chess, Broadway Stars, Cooking in Spanish, Treblemakers Choir, Prima Ballet, STEM Stars, Multi-Sports, and Making Movies. Students also have the option to sign up for Hewitt Club, where they can do homework, play games, create arts and crafts projects, or enjoy a good book.
Hewitt Summer Camp is a dynamic extension of our academic schedule. Campers join us for exciting week-long pursuits in STEM, personal finance, culinary science, tennis, creative writing, and the performing arts. Our programs feature hands-on learning, themed workshops, field trips, and the opportunity to learn from current Hewitt faculty as well as fantastic instructors from across New York City. Students participating in Hewitt Summer Camp build meaningful relationships with other campers, make new friends from different grades, and explore new areas of interest.
Service Learning and Sustainability Education
Hewitt’s lower school service learning and sustainability programs bring the School and local community together in partnership to share resources, meet real community needs, and educate our students to become the game changers of tomorrow. Service learning and sustainability projects give students the opportunity to investigate areas of interest that are meaningful to them as well as issues that align with Hewitt’s mission.
We are delighted to announce that William Young will be Hewitt’s next director of advancement, effective September 1, 2024. A deeply knowledgeable advancement director with extensive experience in independent schools, William joins us from Harrow School, a boys’ boarding school located in London, England.
This June, a group of Hewitt high schoolers traveled to Costa Rica for meaningful real world and experiential learning. Students kayaked through a mangrove forest, visited a sustainable cacao and coffee farm, ziplined through a tropical rainforest, and observed Costa Rica's incredible biodiversity and tropical ecosystems.
When we look back at all that the Hewitt community has accomplished since September, it is clear that this is a year not only to remember but also to celebrate! Please enjoy these highlights from the 2023-2024 school year.
From Hewitt, we have gained the ability to create meaningful bonds and learned how to be creative, innovative leaders. We understand how to listen and amplify small voices to make change, and how to be unapologetic in the bold choices we make.
We celebrated the end of the 2023-2024 school year with several of our favorite Hewitt community traditions, including Field Day, Community Celebrations, and ice cream treats from the Parents' Association!
It is our honor to announce that Samantha Apfel '11 will deliver The Hewitt School’s 2024 Commencement address. An alumna of the University of Pennsylvania, Ms. Apfel is a film and television producer who currently serves as vice president of production for Delirio Films, a boutique production company specializing in premium documentaries.
Follow a few Hewitt kindergarteners as they engage in reading and literacy activities, problem solve in math and science, practice their Spanish language skills, learn new games and sports in physical education, and explore their creative expression in music and art!
Watch this video interview with Gabriella G., Class of 2024, who speaks about the experience of publishing her work in an academic journal.
Last spring, the Hewitt Community raised funds to transform two Stillman Hall roof spaces. Both our middle school recess playdeck and the Ashley Hope Goodman ’18 Memorial Garden were renovated this summer with an eye toward safety, sustainability, and beauty.